Why Is Tracking So Important?

Accurate tracking is vital for a highly optimised Google Ads account both in terms of tracking investment and in terms of giving the Google algorithms accurate data to target an audience that is mostly likely to convert. Watch our 2 minute explainer video here and read more about the advantages below:

Accurate Return on Investment #

Do you know exactly how many leads/conversions/revenue you make from each ad click? Accurate tracking will how you exactly what each £1 of ad spend brings you in return. This is one of the biggest areas where PPC Geeks really make a difference. We use our in-house expert team of trackers to install up to the minute tracking of calls, leads, forms, purchases and revenue.

Optimisation of Best Performing Assets #

We utilise accurate tracking data to identify exactly where the best performing assets can be improved upon and the lowest performing assets can be pulled back. We optimise budget spend for maximum performance based on real life performance. This is only possible with accurate tracking data.

Google Artificial Intelligence #

Google artificial intelligence is a powerful tool to make sure your ads are presented to the right audience at the right time. However, if your tracking data is not 100% precise, the Google algorithms will “learn” incorrect data and will therefore incorrectly target your ad spend to an incorrect audience. Your account will run on a higher cost per conversion and will be funnelling out money rather than making it.

Testing & Experimentation #

Google Ads is a powerful platform for testing and fine tuning. It has been developed to allow advertisers to run a variety of experiments such as bid strategy testing, ad copy testing and even landing page performance. This gives us useful and meaningful data from which to make optimal decisions.

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